manavgat şelalesi

It is located approximately 3 km west of the Manavgat district. You can have a picnic in nature by the side of the waterfall and you can eat fresh fish at restaurants around it. It is an ideal place to commune with nature away from the noise of the city. Transportation can be provided by minibuses departing from Manavgat.

Located about 15-km away from our hotel, the waterfall can be easily accessed by public transport and private vehicles.


oyma pınar barajı

Oymapınar Dam, the 3rd largest dam of Turkey, is built on the Manavgat River. 1.2 billion kW/hour energy is produced annually. You can enjoy the beauty of nature accompanied by the magnificent view of the Taurus Mountains with the boat tours organized here. You can also discover the beauties of this place with nature walks.

Located about 40-km away from our hotel, the dam can be easily accessed by private vehicles.


yeşil kanyon

It means a breathtaking journey into the heart of nature. The best way to get rid of stress of everyday life and relax as reborn is to make a trip alone with nature. Let the Green Canyon embrace your soul with its fascinating atmosphere. Enjoy the magnificent green while exploring nature and wildlife in this unique place.

Located about 45-km away from our hotel, the canyon can be easily accessed by private vehicles.


köprülü kanyon

Köprülü Canyon National Park is located about 60-km away from Manavgat and is accessed by the 40-km highway leading to Taşağıl and Beşkonak, which parts from 40-km northeast of Antalya, and located at the foot of the Taurus Mountains. The area of the National Park is 37,000 hectares. The Dipoyraz Mountain which is located in the east of the park is 2980-m high and its slopes are covered with forests.

The bridge river is 120-km long and 100-m deep and located between Bolaşan Village and Beşkonak in the midst of the valleys and canyons covered with cedar forests. The river valley located in the park is in the form of a canyon which is 14-km long and partly 400-m high and has a steep wall.

After the end of the canyon, the river flows from a wide bed covered with greenery. The Köprüçay River is one of the most beautiful natural recreation areas in Turkey. In addition, many archaeological sources such as the historical Selge city located in the mountainous terrain in the west of the river, the riverside castles and aqueducts, and the bridges and historic roads of the Roman period make the Köprülü Canyon National Park one of the places worth seeing. After an enjoyable rafting tour, you can enjoy fresh fish at numerous restaurants. Located about 55-km away from our hotel, the canyon can be easily accessed by private vehicles.



“Side”, which is in the form of a peninsula, means “Pomegranate” in Anatolian language and symbolizes fertility. It is said that Side, one of the oldest settlements of Anatolia, was founded before the 7th century BC.

There are the ruins of historical shops, houses, baths, agoras, fountains and porticos (galleries) in the Ancient City of Side, which should be certainly seen in this region.

The magnificent theater is accessed by passing through the single arched monumental gate including the Vespasian fountain built for Emperor Vespasian. The theater of 20,000 people was built on the arched places, not on the mountain slope like other Roman theaters.

Located at the Ancient Port of Side, about 12-km away from our hotel, it can be easily accessed by public transport and private vehicles.


apollo tapınağı

The temple, dedicated to Apollo, the son of the Sun, is located at the square at the end of the columned street of the Side Antique Port. The temple, which is the most important symbol of Side, is said to be the place where the most beautiful and most glorious sunrise and sunset occur.

Located at the Ancient Port of Side, about 12-km away from our hotel, it can be easily accessed by public transport and private vehicles.



When one goes towards the Taurus Mountains in the northwest direction from Manavgat, he/she reaches the ruins of the ancient city of Seleukeia in the village of Şıhlar after 12 km. This ancient city, which is located 4 km northeast of Şıhlar Village and one hour away on foot, was founded by the Seleucids.

The city, which was founded on a hill as an Acropolis for protection purposes in the 300s BC, reveals the entire plain and sea with its geography with steep slopes and deep valley. The existence of a land suitable for agriculture within the urban area, its surrounding’s being well-supported by waters and its being on the way to any trade route confirm this argument. The city’s two-storey agora, basilica, cistern and sewage system can be considered as an indicator of the development of the city. The mosaics removed during the city excavations are now exhibited in the Antalya Museum.

Located about 45-km away from our hotel, the historical place can be easily accessed by private vehicles.



Founded on the southern slope of the Taurus Mountains, near Köprüçayı, 950-m above sea level, Selge is an ancient Pisidian Mountain City. Selge is accessed by a 4-km steep road with curves after the Köprülü Canyon. The road to Selge passes through the Köprülü Canyon, which is rich in natural beauties. There are gullied rocks that resemble the fairy chimneys in Ürgüp and Göreme and cover the whole mountain slope, on the way. Its 5-door and 45-step theater in the north is an important and best preserved monument of the city. A stadium and a gymnasium in the south and an Ionian temple with its ceiling decorated with eagle motifs in the west of the theater carved into the rocks attract attention. There is a fountain and agora in the south of the stadium. The Temples of Artemis and Zeus are adjacent in the north of the city walls located in the southwest of the city. There are water cisterns in the west and a necropolis with its sarcophagi and ornamented monumental tombs in the north of these temples. The city has not been collapsed because it is located on the hills far from the busy roads.

Located about 75-km away from our hotel, the historical place can be easily accessed by private vehicles.



Built in the 2nd century, 44 km away from Manavgat, the Aspendos Theater of 17,000 people is the best preserved amphitheater that has survived until today. The secret of the excellent acoustics created by a young man named Xenon who lived in the region is still unresolved. In the 13th century, the Seljuks used the structure as a caravanserai and reinforced the northern part of the structure with an arch in the style of typical Seljuk architecture.

Its history dates back to the 5th century BC. The Aspendos Theater built in the 2nd century AD, was used as a caravanserai in the period of Seljuks and was repaired from time to time. Along with its stage, it is one of the rare theaters that have been best preserved until today. Today it is used in various concerts, festivals and oil wrestling organizations. In addition to the other buildings in Aspendos, the Agora, Basilica, Nymphaeum and 15-km long arched waterways are worth seeing

Located about 25-km away from our hotel, the historical place can be easily accessed by private vehicles.



It is an ancient city that once became the capital of the Pamphylia region. The acropolis in the city is thought to have been founded in the Bronze Age. The city is considered to be one of the richest and most beautiful cities of the Hellenistic period in the old world. There are caves and settlements. The most well-known one among the caves is the Karain Cave. The Öküzini Cave, adjacent to the Karain Cave, the Beldibi, Belbaşı rock shelters and Bademağacı are the most famous prehistoric settlements in the region.

Located about 50-km away from our hotel, the historical place can be easily accessed by private vehicles.


side müzesi

Located opposite the agora of the Roman Period, the bath of the ancient agora from the 5th-6th century AD was restored in 1960/61 and turned into a museum.

A large part of the works exhibited in the museum were found during the excavations carried out in the ancient city of Side between 1947 and 1967.

The museum is accessed by a door located in the east direction.

Then, a large garden is reached by passing through a courtyard with its floor covered with stones which is understood to be the second tepidarium of the bath. There are sarcophagi, columns, busts, torsos, inscriptions, statues, pedestals, column capitals, friezes, reliefs and steles from the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods, which were found during the excavations in Side, around this courtyard and in the garden. The most important work in this courtyard with its floor covered with marble pieces is the series of friezes containing the mythological stories of the god of the seas, Poseidon, seen on the north wall of the courtyard. Here, the relations of the gods and goddesses with nature are depicted.

Located at the Ancient City of Side, about 12-km away from our hotel, it can be easily accessed by public transport and private vehicles.

In order to protect our nature, take care to choose sunscreen, perfume, skin care products and similar products from environmentally friendly products,

Do not forget that the sunscreen chemicals spread in our oceans can harm undersea creatures.

Historical Places

Kaleiçi has many cultural heritage such as Old Antalya Houses, Yivli Minaret, Şehzade Korkut Mosque, Karatay Madrasah, Perge Ancient City, Karain Cave, Hadrian's Gate, Phaselis Ancient City, Phaselis, Aspendos Theatre, Xanthos Ancient City, Alanya Castle, Myra Ancient City, Temple of Apollo, Olympos Ancient City.

Agriculture and Livestock

Various agricultural products are grown in the fertile soils of the Antalya region. Wheat, barley and oats are the most common agricultural products. In addition, cotton, sesame, onion, peanut, chickpea and vegetables are grown on 35 thousand hectares. It is the most advanced province in greenhouse cultivation. In 32 thousand hectares of greenhouses, tomatoes, peppers, beans, aubergines, cucumbers, melons and watermelons are grown. They are sold at home and abroad. Antalya is very advanced in fruit growing. Antalya is the province where most bananas and oranges are grown. In addition, apples, pears, plums, quinces, peaches, apricots, grapes, grapes, carob, cranberries and other fruits are grown. Tangerine, lemon, grapefruit are the main source of income in Antalya, and olive cultivation is highly developed in addition to citrus production.

Antalya region, with its climatic characteristics and rich vegetation, brings along the richness of wildlife. Deer, fox, marten, squirrel, fallow deer, wild goat, jackal, hyena, wolf, bear, partridge, quail, steppe, wild pigeon, sandpiper, turac, blackbird, blackbird, cranesbill and crane constitute the main wildlife of the province.

Protected Plant and Animal Species

Mediterranean monk seals, sea turtles and caretta carettas are under protection in these regions.

In addition, plant species such as Cyclamen, Iris Flower, Sand lily, Narcissus and Crocus Flower are among the protected species.

It is inconvenient not to buy souvenirs obtained from protected plant and animal species.

Hunting sports are prohibited except for the dates permitted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

We kindly ask you not to participate in activities that separate animals from their natural life such as circus and dolphin shows.

National and Religious Values

23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day, 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk Youth and Sports Day, 30 August Victory Day and 29 October Republic Day are among our national values.

Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are among the religious values.

How to Behave in Religious Places

We are obliged to follow some rules in mosques where we perform our religious worship,

  • Shoes/slippers etc. are not allowed in the mosque,
  • For women, the hair is covered with a headscarf / cheesecloth etc. and care should be taken to ensure that the clothes cover the body,
  • No loud talking,
  • Other people should be respected.

National Anthem

The rules to be followed when reading/hearing the National Anthem, our national anthem,

  • If we are wearing a hat, we must remove it.
  • If we are sitting, we must stand up and show respect.
  • We should not leave our seats before we hear the end of the anthem.
  • We should not be busy with anything while singing and listening to the National Anthem
  • We must not laugh or be disrespectful during the anthem.

Rules to be followed in Ruins, Historical Sites and Museums

  • Do not touch or write on the artefacts and their cases (pedestals) exhibited in museums and archaeological sites.
  • Do not make noise,
  • Listen carefully to what is said, ask your guide and museum education specialists (if any) about your curiosities.
  • Pay attention to the warnings given in the museum/at the site.
  • Do not eat anything in the museum / museum site.
  • Do not throw rubbish on the floor.
  • Follow the rules of the museum you visit about taking photos in the museum.
  • Do not climb on/contact historical ruins in open-air museums/ceremonial sites.

Traditional Handicrafts and Crafts in Antalya

Antalya, which has been a cultural basin throughout its history and preserves this feature today, also draws attention with the diversity of traditional handicrafts. As a result of the field researches carried out on various dates in our city, some of the handicrafts identified can be listed as follows;

  • Wooden Boat Building
  • Coppersmithing
  • Knife making
  • Instrument Making
  • Bell Production
  • Dowry Chest Making
  • Sock Knitting
  • Blacksmithing
  • Glass Fığla Glass Making
  • Gilamik Weaving
  • Carpet Weaving
  • Silk Weaving
  • Tinsmithing
  • Spooning
  • Rug Weaving
  • Kolan (Multiplier) Weaving
  • Needlework
  • Gourd Embroidery
  • Quilt Making

Local Folk Dances

Folk dances of Antalya region have a regional characteristic called "Teke Folklore". As in the field of music in the region, the influence of Yoruks is predominant in folk dances. The dances of the region consist of dances such as Mengi, Samah, Teke, Spoon dances and Zeybek, which the dancers perform without holding on to each other. In the districts to the east of Antalya, Konya spoon dances, Bosphorus dances, Serenler Zeybeği, Anamur Yolları, Silifke'nin Yoğurdu and Cezayir dances are played. These dances are played individually or collectively.

Local Dishes

The diet of nomads is based on animal husbandry and food obtained from wheat. Although a few fresh vegetables are produced on the coastline, wheat and dried vegetables gain weight as you go inland. In Antalya, it is possible to find all of the world cuisines in touristic hotels and restaurants. Local specialities of the region are as follows: Saç roast, Tandır kebab, Kölle (boiled wheat, beans, chickpeas and broad beans), Tomato civesi, Hibeş, Arapaşı


There are many registered sports clubs and around 200.000 licensed athletes within the province. These clubs are active in many sports including football, basketball, handball, volleyball, athletics, wrestling, judo, karate, taekwondo, tennis, table tennis, water polo and swimming. Antalyaspor, which uses the nickname Scorpions in football, represents the city at the highest level in Turkish football. Antalyaspor plays its matches at the 33,032-seat Antalya Stadium.

Festivals and festivals

Festivals and festivals are organised in Antalya in various periods. These festivals are generally summer festivals in the highlands of Antalya (such as Feslikan Plateau Festival, Söbüce Plateau Festival, Alanya Festivals). In addition, the people living Alevi-Bektashi-Turkmen culture in the Elmalı region also organise festivals (such as Abdal Musa Festivals). The biggest festival on a national scale is the Antalya Television Awards, which started to be organised in 2010. On an international scale, the Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival is organised every year in October. In addition, the International Antalya Sand Sculpture Festival is the only traditional sand sculpture event in Turkey and one of the largest sand sculpture events in the world.

While carrying out all these activities; do not neglect the personal care areas of women and children.

We kindly ask you to be especially tolerant towards children and avoid any behaviour that may harm them.